Visual Recognition Technology



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  • avatar of user jeremy jeremy
  • 2 media
  • uploaded April 5, 2019

Way back when — we all imagined a future where technology would allow us to do some amazing things. Things we only saw in sci-fi movies: artificial intelligence that could see like people see, smart systems that would alert us to danger before it even happened...

It's funny how the future creeps up on you... because now these things are made possible with visual recognition technology. And it's being applied to all kinds of verticals, from medical, to construction, to law enforcement.

It's even working in the apps we use every day. What - you think all those awesome Pintrest image recommendations were handpicked by people?

This subject fascinates us, so we decided to repurpose our creative efforts and explore the technology further.

Visual Recognition Technology


Categories: Campaigns, Meetings

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